About Us

The essence


In essence, Mystery Dates was founded as a celebration of the unique connection between partners. By breaking away from the routine, couples can discover new shared interests, explore uncharted territories, and create memories that stand out from the ordinary day-to-day experiences.

So, let the element of surprise keep the flame alive!

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What to expect


When you subscribe, it's more than just a date night – it's a tailored experience.

We understand that every couple is unique, which is why we want you to share your unique preferences and select your surprise day.

As the date approaches, receive details and attire suggestions. This way, you can simply show up and enjoy magic of your surprise experience without a single worry on your mind.

We handle the details, so you can focus on the joy of your Mystery Date.

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How to select the right date


At Mystery Dates, we take the art of surprise seriously. Behind the scenes, our algorithm takes into account your mentioned likes and dislikes, weaving them into the fabric of the perfect surprise date. We're not just guessing – we're chosing an experience tailored specifically to you and your partner.

Our algorithm evolves, constantly learning from feedback on past experiences to refine its choices.

Thus, when you embark on your Mystery Date, know that it's not just a random adventure

it's a carefully chosen experience.

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